On December 19, 2011, during the occasion of “WHAT THE SCRIPTURES SAY; 2011”, I indicated that our planet is getting more and more unbalance and causing most of the disasters we are experiencing these days. This information was through one of the visions I had about events on our planets. After the occasion many people including academics asked me to explain the vision that our planet is getting more and more unbalance and that there is too much weight on one side. Secondly, I should also explain what I meant by the statement that the situation could be rectified by constructing huge structures such as pyramids below the equator.

The statement that disasters like Earthquakes, Land-slides, Storms and Floods occur frequently are as a result of “something man is doing wrongly on our planet”, this statement is true. Environmentalists have been worrying over this for some time just wanting the whole world to take it seriously.

The Holy Quran says that the earth rotates as a result of the mountains firmly established as pegs which are the positives and the valleys where rivers flow and the level lands, fertile for farming are the negatives. This is made so to create the Balance on earth. Under no circumstances, should the Balance be disturbed unduly after it has been set in order. Nobody has looked at why there are mountains and valleys at certain places and not at other places. This is a well calculated designed and a system to keep the earth evenly balanced on its axis and orbit.  


The Quran in 16:15 says; He has set up on the Earth Mountains standing firm, in order that it should move with you. And He set up rivers and roads that you may guide yourselves.


In Quran 21:31 it says; We have set on the Earth Mountains standing firm, to move with them, and We have made therein broad highways for them to pass through that they may receive guidance.


Also in Quran 31:10 it says; He created the heavens without any pillars that you see. He set on the Earth Mountains standing firm, in order that it should move with you. He scattered through it beasts of all kinds. We send down rain from the sky, and produce on the earth every kind of noble creature, in pairs.

The Holy Quran therefore indicates to us to frequently be mindful of the Balance on the planet and to put in place mechanisms for the even distribution of the earth’s weight. It however warns us not to lest disturb the Balance in order not to bring to ourselves terrible consequences.


In Quran 55:7-9, it reads; He raised high the Firmament and set up the Balance. Do not transgress the balance. So establish equal weight and fall not short in the even distribution of the Balance.


It should be clear by this time to some scientists that it is science that should fit into spirituality and not the other way round. Science should seek to find what has been revealed in the Holy Scriptures and not dismiss issues or things mentioned in the scriptures that science has yet no explanation to. Remember often times science has held firmly onto certain explanations for events and phenomena only to refute or reject them when new evidence evolves. It was said that the Sun was stationary and the rest of the planets revolve around it. Whereas the Quran maintained otherwise all these years until science recently discovered that the Sun also moves and orbits. This discovery is in conformity with the Quranic revelation. Read Quran 36:37-40.

The Night is a Sign for them. We alternate the Day, and they are in darkness. And the Sun runs on its course for the period determined for it; that is the decree of the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing. We have measured for the Moon stations to traverse till it returns like the old lower part of a date-stalk. It is not practical for the Sun to over speed and catch up with the Moon, nor can the Night overlap the Day. Each planet moves along its own orbit according to laid down regulations.

In the layman’s terms it suffices to say the equator is the center of the earth or fulcrum of the earth, just take a look at what has happened over decades. Mountains are being destroyed faster for construction works including building of sky scrapers anywhere anyhow above the equator than below it. There has also been a lot of relocated of the earth’s minerals dug out of earth surface and transported from below the equator to above it. Hundreds of thousands of tons of timber are transported from below the equator to above it on daily bases. Several thousands of tons of Iron Ore from The Congo are transported from below the equator to above it on daily bases.  The same goes with Rubber for tires and other purposes are also transported on daily bases. In fact many other countless heavy minerals are transported daily from below the equator to above it. Nobody knew the long term effect of this on the earth balance system. There is also the human and animal migration factor all form below the equator to above it. In this case we have transgressed the Balance and did little or nothing to establish equal weight of the Balance.

In the same way, if you moved a lot of mass from near the equator (away from the axis of rotation) to near the poles (closer to the axis), you would cause the earth’s rotation to speed up; and moving stuff and the other way could cause it to slow down.

The unbalance nature of the earth has resulted in the escalation of disasters which we are experiencing these days. Disasters like floods, landslides, earthquakes, tsunami, bush fires and the like are common these days. Environmentalists lay emphasis on global warming and working around the clock to get that problem solved. Unfortunately they have forgotten about the unbalance nature of the world which should be concerned seriously if they have to find solutions to the environmental problems. In fact the problem of the unbalance must be a priority.

Do not destroy the earth, after it has been set in order, but call on Him with fear and longing for the Mercy of Allah is always near to those who do good,” as the Quran in 7:56 would warn.

The first and foremost study our geologists, environmentalists, physicists and engineers should have teamed up to do was to study the locations and weights of the mountains on our planet. This study would not only have enabled us to constantly be mindful of the Balance of our planet but to also enabled us put in place mechanisms for the even distribution of the earth’s weight, more so in the construction works including building of sky scrapers and their positions relative to the existing mountains. Knowing the exact locations of mountains and their weight and the valleys as opposed to the mountains would have helped us to keep the Balance on our planet and avoid these undue disasters.

Why pyramids? The shapes of most mountains are more like the geometric shapes of pyramids. The weight at the bottom is heavier than the peak. The sky scrapers that we build should have taken the architectural shape of the pyramids which would have been in conformity with the mountains. Therefore in constructing huge structures such as pyramids below the equator would have reinforced our planet with weight for the even distribution of the earth’s weight in order to keep the Balance on our planet and avoid these undue disasters.

It is common knowledge that a car which its four tires have the same weight and their pressure are even the car moves smoothly without any shaking and wobbling. Considering the same car with one of the tires deflated or under pressure, the car will be wobbling and easily get out of control and can cause an accident.

If we liken our planet to the car of deflated tire or one of the tires is under pressure, would enable us understand what is happening to the earth. Some part of the earth is heavier than the other, making the earth wobble causing these disasters that are happening now.

The Quran in 2:195 warns.

Spend of your substance in accordance to the way laid down by Allah. Do not let your own hands contribute to your destruction. Always do the right things for Allah love those do the right things.